
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Recap and Goals 2014

2013 was a very fun, interesting year for me.  Going into the year, I set some vague goals regarding training, injuries, and hitting a few specific times.  The year did not start well for me as I battled injuries from January up until May.  At times, I felt very frustrated by my inability to train hard and reach goals.  As spring approached I had conversations with Gazelle Walker about taking on the BI Triathlon just for "fun."  In the process of preparing for the race, I found out that I really enjoyed the training variety and opportunity to put less stress on my body from the constant beat down of my true love, running.  I also enjoyed the camaraderie that the bike rides and training swims had to offer.  So my biggest personal endurance accomplishment of 2013 was finding the triathlon.  I hope to be at it for years to come.


Summer Training-Friday Run/Splash's, WTAC & Dog Watch Fun Runs, bike rides

Racing: 16:27 fall 5k

2013 was a blast...thanks WTAC for making that happen for me.


Injuries-hip tightness, IT Band issues, random swelling in lower legs after trails.

A few poor race performances that I won't even mention.

Not running a half marathon.  Darn wedding invites!

2014-Looking Ahead

1. Stay injury free.  In order to achieve this goal, I'm going to stay disciplined, know when to back off, stretch (Oh hey, Muddy!), do core work, and stay off trails (mostly).

2. Successfully complete The Gazelle Trifecta..
I've set out some really ambitious racing goals for the month of September.  Racing the Firmman Half Iron, Surftown (already registered), and finishing off the month with the OCY Tri.

3. Get better on the bike..only way to do this is to ride more.  If I expect to really compete, the race is on the bike.

4. Become a better swimmer..swim more, learn some form.

5. 16:20 5k.

6. Run a good distance race-10k or more..

7. Keep running with Lu.

8. Have fun!

I'm looking forward of training, racing, and having fun with the WTAC Clan in 2014!


  1. Good recap. Looking forward to another year of successes and fun with you, especially at the tris.

  2. Nice work in '13! I predict a dynamite Tri season for you this year. Looking forward to seeing how you do at Surftown!
