
Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 18th through August 24th--Reality

This week is going to be a but of a challenge with a more structured work schedule.  After a great summer of training, I now to do more planning to fit essential workouts in.

Sunday-Boogie Woogie Mile.  According to Strava, I covered the mile in 4:52.  The total time of the run was 5:22 with a 1.1. mile distance.  Not sure on accuracy, but it was a confidence builder regardless.  I probably should have warmed up before, but I just had urge to run I did.

Ran an additional 4 miles on local roads with two of my lady of them being four legged..30 minutes.

Monday-1+ mile swim at the Y.  Did a long warmup and drills.  The highlight of the day (for me anyway) 4X50 on a minute all under 40 seconds a go.

Tuesday-Battle of Stonington 5k, 6th place, 17:06
Felt tired, flat, and slow.
A great turnout by Team WTAC and general fun atmosphere.  Grabbed a drink with the team and my parents on the Dog Watch deck afterwards.  My philosophy on my performance from this one is that sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have bad days.

Wednesday-Final WTAC Tom McCoy Fun Run and Kids' Awards Night
2+ mile warmup with Connor & Mike Boumenot and Muddy Puddin'
1 mile race: 4:52..happy with this after last night's debacle.
2+ mile warmdown with Schonning

Another fun night-running the mile, chatting with WTAC teammates, and watching the kids get their awards.  Sad to see summer go away.

Thursday-Late afternoon noon ride with Gazelle...25 miles.
Very solid workout with some good climbs.  Struggled trying to battle the wind on Atlantic towards the end of the ride.

Friday-a.m.5 mile run with the 445 Club from Weekapaug Breachway.   The most impressive feat of the morning took place when two teenage WTAC athletes, Matthew Walker and Jonny Eckel, showed up. I was very impressed by their dedication and willingness to jump into this craziness. Beautiful morning and we took a quick dip in front of Seaside before going off to work.

p.m. 3 mile jaunt with Lulu.

Saturday-47 mile ride with Gazelle, who affectionately named the ride Tommy 5k's pick-Hills, Hills, and Headwinds on Strava.  We had a very good ride today and really got it all in-endurance, hills, and speed.  On a disappointing note, Strava ripped us off on a nasty Westbound Atlantic Ave segment.  It's fine though..we knew were cruising through this section.  Very fun ride.

Run: 5X, 23 miles
Lulu's Miles: 2X, 6 miles
Swim: 1X, 1 mile
Bike:2X, 72 miles
Stretch/Core: not much.

1 comment:

  1. Disappointing races happen. Your body's probably not used to *just* running. Next time, ride 20 miles hard before toeing the line.
