
Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 20th through October 26th

Sunday-a.m. 3.5 miles in Chicopee State Park with my cousin Pat and our dogs.  I used to run in this park on almost a daily basis (yes, I ran trails all the time, hard to believe I know).  As I ran around the park, I had many fond memories of high school running, college training, post collegiate workouts, and coaching experiences.  It was kind of funny how I could remember every root, turn, or little bump.  Even with a variety of trails and hills, I noticed a huge difference between terrain in Western Massachusetts versus the rocks and roots of RI.   The weather and foliage were perfect.  Great fun, great run!

Chicopee State old stomping grounds.  Great place to train.

p.m. 3 miles on local roads.

Monday-6 miles completely on the beach with Lulu..7 minute pace throughout.
Tons of fisherman throughout the beach..this run was a big stress reliever after an awesome day at the office.

Tuesday-1 mile + swim at the Y.

Workout Wednesday w/ Gazelle at Ninigret
2X800, 2X600, 2X400, 2X200, followed by 10X30/30
Great workout..8 miles

Thursday-6 miles on local roads..easier since tendonitis is killing.

Friday-6 miles of trails in Woody Hill.  Needed to mix it up and was glad to run a few trails.

Saturday-4.5 miles on local roads with Shara and Lulu..nice and easy..tendonitis was calmer today.
Stretched for a short bit after.

Run: 7X, 36 miles
Lulu: 3X, 15 miles
Swim, 1X, 1+ miles
Bike: 0

1 comment:

  1. I miss the thematic elements you used to incorporate into your weekly write-ups. Bring them back, won't you?
