
Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 24th through March 30th-Making Progress

My main goal this week is to simply keep making progress.

Sunday, March 24th
5+ miles in downtown Westerly with Gazelle.  After yesterday's monster, the goal to this morning was simply to plug out some miles.  Without realizing it, we still ran a really solid pace throughout (7:31, 6:52, 6:40, 6:30, 6:17).  We followed up the run with some laps in the pool at the Y.  I think we banged out 600yds swimming and I really enjoyed it.  Form was poor and all that, but it felt so good.  I'm contemplating getting a Y pass now.  Great workout day!

Monday, March 25th
445 Club minus the running and add in the weights/resistance.
45 minutes of pushups, shoulder press, abs, bentover row, medicine ball twists, etc)

Tuesday, March 26th
Part 1: 4 miles with Lulu on local roads (657, 630, 649, 639)
Part 2: 3 miles water loop from my house (637, 614, 614)

I wanted to get some miles in with Lulu but also didn't want to push her too hard.  After dropping her off, I ran three more miles and was especially happy with my splits over the last two miles.

Wednesday, March 27th
Workout Wednesday
I try to get at least one workout in this week and today was the day.  I didn't have any specific plan in place for the day but wanted to get in a hard effort and wanted to add variety into the routine to amuse myself.  Started off by warming up for two miles and couldn't believe how bad/slow/sore/cowardly I felt.  Instead of basking in a pool of self pity, I decided to dig in and did 4X250m moderate hills with jog down rests.  Once I completed the hill segment, I took a light jog over to HELL Field and decided to get down to business with 4X400m with 60 seconds rest.  I didn't keep exact track of splits and focused on effort, but I do know that I kept every repeat under 75 seconds.  I felt really strong for this portion of the workout.  Jogged a mile up the hill home.

Thursday, March 28th
5+ miles from home onto Weekapaug Beach with Lulu.  It took us almost 40 minutes and I was completely trashed.  Not sure if it was just general tiredness or soreness from working hard.

Friday, March 29th
5 easy scenic miles in Barn Island with Gazelle and Crutch.  Barn Island sits in my mind as just another hidden trail gem in the area.  It was a beautiful morning for a run.  My body thanked me for taking it nice and easy.

You can't beat the views of Barn!

"Well Tom, you said you want to do a sprint triathlon.
Time for you and Crutch to get at it."
Photos ripped off of Crutch's Blog
Saturday, March 30th
Big River Mad Half!
Today just happened to be the final chapter of the South County 4th Race Series put on by Mike Galoob.  While it is no mystery to anyone out there, I am not a good trail runner.  However, this trail series rocks and it is always my goal to get out there and support the races.  Prior to the race, I made a Gentlemen's Deal with Gazelle that we would not race it and would instead work together to get a good workout.

It felt weird at the start to not immediately going after it and simply settling in with the pack.  After less a mile into the race I started to get ants and thought to myself, "If Gazelle is comfortable with it, let's start picking off people."  After getting the green light from Jeff, we did just that.  Typically, we would latch on with a runner for a short period of time and make a move.  This strategy was going really well until Jeff, this Surferdude Runner, and me took a wrong turn.  I'm still not exactly sure what knocked off us, but we ended up back on course after a short period of time.  The only problem is that we ended up cutting a mile on the course and faced a potential DQ. Do we start running fairly hard again or just bag it and run it in?  At this point in the race, we keep motoring along but were not hammering.  As we entered the last quarter of the race, we started to cross through some really twisty trails.  Tightness in my left quad was causing my body to scream at me at this point.  Then out of nowhere appears Bob Jackson, who is leading the race.  Gazelle and I quickly clear out of his way since we weren't really competing and he cruised by.  Shortly thereafter, Johnny Miles appears and is looking strong holding 2nd place.  We decided to run and work with Jonny as he approached the end of the race.  Not that he needed it, but Jeff and I kept barking out directions and tactics for him to use as he worked to close out his own race.  We finished our rugged 12 miler, but did not cross through the finish.

Directly after the race it was nice to slug down some gatorades, eat cookies, and re-hydrate as runners poured in to the finish line.  Mike very efficiently did an award ceremony and had a variety of prizes available afterwards.  I was somehow lucky enough to get a complimentary entry to WTAC's main event, The Lil Rhody Runaround.  For years this race has always conflicted with my favorite race, the Mews 5k.  However, now I have added incentive to join my teammates out the trails instead.  I told Gazelle I'd be sold on the race if he put a beer tent at the finish line!!  Something tells me he might revoke that complimentary entry from me.

All and all, it was a great day with nice weather and cool people.  Once again, a big special thanks to Mike Galoob for putting on another successful trail series.

Time/Place/Miles: Unknown.  All I can say is that I'm very sore.

Mileage: 42
Lulu: 9
Weights/Core: 45 minutes
Swim: 600 yds


  1. I was glad you made it out for the trail race. What an awesome day. Thanks for helping me along the last two miles as my legs struggled to the finish.

  2. Awesome day for a race, and what better weather to get lost in the woods!

  3. Great race despite the misdirection. Well done!
